Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez's new home in Dubai
Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina RodriguezPPortuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez reached a milestone in his life by acquiring a mansion in Dubai, due to his work in the region, as he plays for a Saudi Arabian team. The property, valued at €25 million, is located on the exclusive Jumeirah Bay island, nicknamed "the island of the rich", a place where only millionaires reside. The couple and their five children plan to move into the luxurious home at the end of December, once the renovations are completed..kWidgetIframeContainer{height:100%!important;}jQuery(function(){if(typeof KalturaUE==='object'){var kalturaPlayer=new KalturaUE.Player('video-0_35qkzgco',kalturaPlayerConfig);kalturaPlayer.setConfig({partnerId:110,opciones:{responsive:'16/9'}});var tags...